00:02 - 00:06
project: Beware the Snake
3D Software: 3Ds Max
Short movie. It was realized completely by myself, from the concept to the final compositing.
00:07 - 00:31
project: EP_spine
3D Software: Maya
Personal project. A quaternion spine rig, based on a C++ DG node, and related MEL scripts.
- Custom shape for vertebras.
- variable number of vertebras.
- variable deegre of the curve.
- variable number of CTRLs to define the shape of the curve.
- ramp control for distribution of the spin along the curve.
- ramp control for distribution of the squash.
- ramp control for distribution of the stretch.
- parametric length factor or arc length factor defining the position of each vertebras along the curve.
A single node is connected to every vertebra transform. This was done for having a fast real-time computation.
00:32 - 00:53
project: Sym_Map tools + EP_relax
3D Software: Maya
Personal project.
1) Sym_map: C++ node, custom commands (C++), and related MEL scripts to provide a way to symmetrize any type of weightmap (blendshape, deformers, etc..): it stores the informations about symmetric vertices in a sym_map node, than apply the symmetrize commands retriving vertex relationships looking trough this node, regardless of the actual mesh shape.
2) EP_relax. C++ deformer used to get rid of unproper deformations. It is a combination of two separated effects: a relax one and a push one. Each of these two effects is provided of its own weightmap. The values of them can be symmetrized using the symmetry map node.
00:54 - 01:28
project: Winx Club the Movie
3D Software: Maya
I was the technical director for this project. The issues I had to find solutions for, were about pipeline, character rigging, dress and hairs dynamics. Moreover my good knowledge of scripting was useful for creating tools for every department. The complexity of the technical tasks for this movie, was rised by the lack of time, the great number of characters, and rig demands for complex dresses and hairs dynamics. Ten months of production from the first rig to the final rendering. We had to deal with problems coming from all the outsourching studios as well.
01:28 - 2:13
project: COSMO
3D Software: XSI
Spot Commercial. I managed all the aspects of the spot, except few animations and shading tasks.
02:14 - 02:25
project: Winx Club the Movie
3D software: XSI
it is an animation UI I developed in XSI. Features:
- Display Tab, useful for hiding/showing CTRLs, character parts, and tune the detail levels. Also used to turn dynamics on and off.
- Key Tab, useful for setting and remove keys or to reset transformations over groups of controls, entire pose, or selected CTRLs.
- Mirror Tab, useful for mirroring poses over groups of controls, entire pose, or selected CTRLs.
02:25 - 02:45
project: Vespa
3D software: XSI
Personal Project. It was realized completely by myself, from the concept to the final animation.
02:46 - 02:50
project: King
3D software: 3Ds MAX
Personal Project. It was realized completely by myself, from the concept to the final compositing.